The 5 Most Commonly Used Survey Templates

What does it mean to reach out to the respondents in a targeted way? It means that a surveyor must know what results he wants to generate and find ways, subtle or obvious, to achieve them.

One major factor could be to use a targeted approach in asking questions. If you know what to ask, you have already accomplished half the goal. How else can anyone know if their survey is going in the right direction or not?

Many a times, surveyors are left wondering why their questionnaires don’t generate viable results. They are usually short of friendly, to-the-point, questions and can’t decide for the perfect ones. In a hurry, they ask whatever comes to their minds regarding the subject but do not pay attention to the linguistic quality of their text. Therefore, many times the respondents get confused and lose track of the surveys.

To avoid such difficulties, SurveyCrest provides innumerable question samples and 32 survey templates free of cost to all its customers. You could ask unlimited questions and receive unlimited answers with full control on each of the features.

Specialized Templates

Our team of professionals has come up with 32 survey templates so far which cover almost each and every need of a surveyor, from practically any industry. Still, we realize how much more can be done and therefore we are ready to incorporate more ideas and research into our work to benefit our customers.

When you click on the “create survey” tab, it immediately takes you to a second “confirm template” page. There, on the left hand side, is the complete list of survey templates. You can preview each one by one and eventually confirm which one suits more to your needs.

Here are the top 5 most common survey templates used by surveyors from around the world.

1. Customer Feedback

The name says it all. Any entrepreneur would tell you that it’s what the customer tells you about your product that actually matters. Since the rise of commercialism and freedom of expression, it’s become increasingly difficult to impose your own perspective on the clients. Previously, it were the brands telling us what to wear or eat. Now it’s the customers who tell brands what should be created for them or what type of products they want to use.

As soon as a customer leaves a store, he has some input to give. It’s the brand’s job to collect it by providing him a source (in the shape of a survey). That feedback is what’s going to shape the face of your company in future.

2. Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employees are the backbone of any organization. If they are unhappy at your company they would soon start to find other options for employment. Today’s competitive market does not allow a company or brand to compromise on employee satisfaction. Thus, most good organizations conduct the Employee Satisfaction Survey at least once in a three months time. This survey evaluates how motivated an employee is to serve the company and what factors affect his decision to work there. It analyzes the factors that boost or hinder his performance in the provided work environment. From a bad heating system to a small salary; anything could be bugging him to perform lower than his true potential.

3. Restaurant Dine-in Experience

Almost every good restaurant or hotel asks for feedback once you have finished a meal there. They ask about their customer service, hygiene, environment, taste of food, overall enjoyment, etc. Mostly these are paper-based surveys, but some restaurants also note down your e-mail address, send you a feedback questionnaire, and later on, other promotional schemes too. Such conscientious restaurants give the customer’s experience its due importance and diligently implement changes to improve their service.

4. Meeting Feedback Survey

It’s always good manners to follow through a meeting with a phone call or e-mail. Now if you meet a representative from a company or attend a business meeting, wouldn’t it be fit to send a well-made survey to your client or potential investor. All official or formal meetings are often followed through by professionals with a survey. For other informal meetings, there is no need to ask for feedback. This survey gauges the impact you made on a potential client and how likely you are to benefit from meeting him.

5. Customer Service Evaluation

The quality of customer service has a huge role to play in boosting the image, and subsequently, the sales of a brand. Like the saying goes, “first impression is the last impression.” Likewise, your sales representatives are the first people who meet a potential customer and convince him whether he should involve in doing business with you or not. If you customer service is careless and inefficient, it will only be an unprofitable burden on your overall business cost. It will not attract new customers; rather, it will only put them off to go somewhere else.

So what type of surveys do you use more often? What is your preference for the mediums of conducting surveys? Please, leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.

Kelvin Stiles

Kelvin Stiles is a tech enthusiast and works as a marketing consultant at SurveyCrest – FREE online survey software and publishing tools for academic and business use. He is also an avid blogger and a comic book fanatic.

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