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6 Revealing Facts about Color Psychology and Its Effects on Consumer Behavior!

What would be the world without colors? It would feel like an emotionless and lifeless space. Can you imagine the beauty of rainbow without its seven layers of colors? Sky will be no longer beautiful without that blue canopy. Similarly, the sizzling tomatoes will not tempt the taste buds if that red coating does not exist. In fact, even branding packages and logo design affect the psychology of colors. This is the power of colors which influences our mood and inner feelings.

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Role of Colors in Consumer Behavior

Colors command a mysterious effect on our psychology. It changes our mood even before we realize it. This is why it is an influential factor in our buying pattern. In fact, the psychology of colors is a strong motivator in our selection of products. We prefer a brand due to a psychological angle and ‘color factor’ defines that aspect to a large extent.

KISSMETRICS, an online analytics website, has some interesting facts about color psychology and how colors have an effect on our purchases:

Infograohic source: kissmetrics

In this infographics, you can clearly see that visual stimuli are the strongest motivators for buyers. The inforgraphics illustrates that 93% of consumers are influenced by the appearance of a product, while the texture shares 15% followed by sound/smell with only 1%. Out of this value, 85% of consumers place color as a major element in the look of a product, whereas the other variables constitute the remaining 15%. The data also indicates ‘color’ as a leading factor in building trust of consumers as it increases the brand recognition by 80%.

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The Psychology of Colors behind Famous Brands

Did you ever think why the logos of famous food restaurants use “red” as prime color? This is because red color is known to seduce inner cravings.

Similarly, you will find logos of most of the financial institutions in blue color as it adds an element of reliability. Think about Barclays, IFC and AXA.

Without further ado, let’s explore the enigma of color psychology and how famous brands use them to invoke their target audience:

1. Red

Red is the most powerful color amongst all. It has a tendency to stimulate mind and attract attention. See the red chilies and you will feel the craving to eat them all. Red is also a symbol of youthfulness which makes it a favorite for the youngsters.

Red is popular in food industry and it is used in logos of many famous food and beverage brands. Let’s have a look at some of them:

Hardee’s logo was quite boring until 1999 when it went through a makeover and the red color became visible in its typeface. The most recent (pictured above) logo prominently features the red color in background which adds that sizzling feel to the viewers.

The first Coca Cola logo was colored in black. It was not until 1958 that the logo made a transition from a black typeface to a rich red background. The current logo design infuses the same red color as a stimulus to market its brand.

The logo of KFC has gone through several changes since its inception in 1952. The two most obvious redesigns in the logo were the visage of Colonel Sanders and the red apron that was added in 2007. As the company offers tasty delicacies, the red color remains is used to entice the food lovers.

2. Blue

Blue is the King of all colors as it is the most visible amongst them. It translates reliability and a sense of dependency to the people.

Blue has a character which makes it suitable for technology and health-related brands. You will find blue colors in logos of IT and health businesses. For example:

The logo of Oral B uses the dark shade of blue in background which adds substance to its brand identity. The blue color goes well with theme of Oral B that emphasizes the health.

The blue theme of Facebook has more scientific reasons than technical. Mark Zuckerberg happens to be red-green colorblind. So, he has no choice but to select “blue” for the emblem. In his own words, “Blue is the richest color for me; I can see all of blue.” Nevertheless, the blue color has a key role in the phenomenal success of facebook and facebook icon.

3. Green

Green color is associated with health and prosperity. People also perceives green as a source of serenity and peace as it is closely related to nature. Just look around the natural and you will get bogged down by the richness of this color in natural world.As green signifies wealth and nature, it exists in the brand identities of some of most prestigious organizations:

Animal Planet is a famous channel for people who love nature. It has a logo design with green color in the lead. Although the logo is not very well received, the green color definitely set off the theme of the channel.

BP has a logo design with green color in the lead. The green color comprises the outer layer of its emblem which suggests greener environment that is the slogan of BP plc

The icon of Range Rover rocks in green color. The green color in the emblem translates to its customers the environmental-friendly approach of the company which is a prime theme of this company.

4. Yellow

Yellow holds energy and warmth. Yellow is an imagery of sun which makes it a color of hope and optimism. This hue of orange has a higher wavelength which is why it is often used to draw attention of viewers. Yellow is also known to stimulate hunger. No wonder so many popular global food restaurants use yellow in their theme.

The element of yellow color is visible in brand identities of many international brands. Such as:

Nikon strategically uses yellow color in the background to represent intensity to its viewers. The white lines bind well with the yellow and suggest ceaseless excellence of this brand.

McDonald’s has retained the yellow colors in its logo since 1953. The current matt yellow color enhances its beauty and tantalizes the taste buds of the onlookers.

One of the most iconic logo of 21st century, the embelm of Shell used Yellow as a way to stand out from its competitors. However, the company later intensified the colors to reinforce a solid visual identity. The yellow color in Shell logo design has been the strongest element in getting attention of its audience.

5. Black

Black radiates elegance and power. People perceives black as the highest in class and status. History tells us that black has been a choice of the elites. The famous black gowns were emulated from the priests who first wore them in 12th as an outer covering.

Black is a symbol of superiority which is why it is the leading color of plenty of upmarket products. The most popular of them are brands of apparels and fashion industry as:

One of the world’s most valuable brands, Channel uses black color in its logo to signify its prestige. The black color aptly represents the supremacy of this brand to its customers.

The two interlocking black G’s of the Gucci logo symbolize sophistication and grandeur. The two G’s stand for the initials of Guccio Gucci, the father of the brand, and are in a sans serif font that exude authenticity and luxury.

Simple and chic, the unique logo of Yves Saint Laurent matches the reputation of this brand, while the black color enriches its sophistication.

The international face of fashion industry, the black color in logo of Armani Exchange blends exquisitely with the white typeface. The black color in its design gives an aura of exclusivity of this brand.

6. Grey

Grey is a neutral color which anesthetizes the mind. It suggests a feel of calmness and tranquility. So, the next time you do up your business theme, you should consider grey along with the help of your business app software. Grey is also an indicator of maturity as seen in the grey hairs of old people.

Grey is famous for its simple and clean look. People with a highbrow taste have a fascination for this elegant color. Most of the time, you will strike this color in brands that has a class.

The brand identity of Swarovski epitomizes style and class which are the two virtues of this company. The logo is designed in grey which signifies superiority to its audience base.

The iconic emblem of Mercedes is a symbol of sophistication and luxury. The grey color truly translates matchless character of Mercedes to its target audience.

Kelvin Stiles

Kelvin Stiles is a tech enthusiast and works as a marketing consultant at SurveyCrest – FREE online survey software and publishing tools for academic and business use. He is also an avid blogger and a comic book fanatic.

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