Author: Kelvin Stiles

Using Patient Surveys To Achieve Healthy Doctor-Patient Communication

Health communication encompasses every facet of interaction that occurs between the patient and clinic staff. It includes direct communication and…

8 years ago

What Is The Custom Variable In Online Survey And How Can I Use It?

Receiving a ton of responses is the ultimate aim of every survey. However, analyzing and interpreting all that data can…

8 years ago

Trump Vs. Clinton: First Presidential Debate And Predictions For The Upcoming Ones

Everyone was waiting for it, the first official showdown between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Broadcast from the Hofstra University…

8 years ago

Reviving A Dead Online Business Through Social Media

Is your business spiraling towards a quick demise? Don’t sweat it! It happens, especially if you are running an online…

8 years ago

How To Use Skip Logic In Online Survey?

SurveyCrest’s online survey tool lets you customize user flow and question order. Skip logic is an advanced feature of online…

8 years ago

What Do Customers Expect From Today’s Customer Services?

Today’s customer is smarter than ever. The days of simply focusing on operational efficiencies of customer service are long gone.…

8 years ago