A real-time analysis of the institution of education is imperative if we are to see any improvements with the passing time. Feedback and relevant statistics collected ...
Remember the old adage Knowledge is Power? The 20th century literally saw it coming true. The more knowledgeable humans got, the more powerful they became, acquiring resources and ...
The World Wide Web celebrated its silver jubilee earlier this year. The PEW Research Centre recognized the occasion with a number of unusual and interesting reports, ...
The Nobel prize, founded by Alfred Nobel, is regarded as the highest civilian honor that is bestowed on people who served the mankind in any extraordinary capacity such ...
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions,” said Ken Blanchard. Every good leader knows that giving and receiving negative feedback is the hardest battle of all, and ...
Every year as the fall comes around, people start preparing to celebrate a number of occasions. But the most talked about are, undoubtedly, the Christmas, and ...