Who was your probation officer at the time the case was closed?
How many Probation Officers did your child have during the time he/she was on probation?
What locations did you/your child report to the most often to meet with your probation officer?
Was the reception staff respectful and courteous to you when you reported/arrived for a court hearing?
When you first began supervision, were your requirements explained to you in a way you could understand?
Was your child’s probation officer respectful and courteous?
Was your child’s probation officer helpful and knowledgeable about resources in the community?
Did your child’s probation officer encourage your participation in your child’s supervision plan?
Do you feel that there was appropriate communication between the probation officer and:
Did the probation officer meet your family’s needs while on supervision? If not, what needs were not addressed?
Did the probation officer conduct field visits in a professional and respectful manner?
Did the probation officer treat your child as an individual and not just like everyone else?
Do you feel that you could talk to your child’s probation officer and he/she listened?
Do you feel that your child made improvements in any of the following areas during his/her probation supervision? Select all that apply.
How often did your child’s probation officer discuss his/her court-ordered fees with you/your child?
Would you feel comfortable contacting your probation officer in the future if problems came up?
Did you feel connected to the outside resources that were provided to your child and yourself through the probation office? If yes, are you planning to utilize the resources in the future?
What recommendations for improvement in regards to probation do you have?
If you would like someone to contact you from the probation department for additional information please leave your phone number.