Customer Feedback

General Information

1. Please give your Details

Product Quality

2. How satisfied are you with each of the following aspects of the product?
 Not SatisfiedSomewhat satisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Value for money
Customer Service
Overall experience
3. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the best, where would you rate this product?

Points Question
4. How well does the product live up to its claim?
5. Is the product easy to use?
6. Rate in order of importance, what is the most important thing you look for in this Product Category?
7. Would you recommend this product to others?
8. Do you have any issues with the packaging of the product?
9. Would you like to see variants of this product?
10. How likely are you to make other purchases from the same brand?
11. How likely are you to buy this product again?
12. How long have you used this product?
13. Have you bought this product more than once?
14. What influenced you to buy this product?
15. Where did you first hear about the product?
16. Is the product easily available in your area?
17. Do you think the product is competitively priced?
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