2. How would you rate the overall value of the product?
3. How does this product compare with other similar products in the market?
4. On what occasion did you buy this product?
5. Are you more likely to buy other products from this company?
6. Does the quality of products already brought from a company determine your willingness to buy/try new products from the same company?
7. Do you plan to buy other products from the same company?
8. How many times have you bought other products from our company?
9. How many times have you bought this product?
10. Have you bought other products from this company?
11. When you go to a mall, do you:
12. Tick the box that most reflects your buying pattern:
13. Did you visit different review sites before buying this product?
14. For whom did you buy the product?
15. If you have bought this product more than once, what motivates you to buy this product repeatedly?
16. What would increase your chances of buying the product?
17. What is the most important factor in convincing you to buy a product again and again?
18. What was the most effective factor in convincing you to buy this product the first time?
19. Where did you hear about the product?